Herbert Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What You Need To Know When Buying Used Hardware

Refurbished network hardware is the latest thing for hip IT managers who consider themselves "in the know". The used equipment is often renovated by various resellers and integrators, reset and error free. They are then sold in the secondary market at up to 90% off of list price. Products are available even in the most sophisticated and obscure models, and often come with a warranty that supersedes even that of the original manufacturer.

How is the hardware refurbished?

Networking products usually pass a grueling inspection, upgrade and update checklist. This includes testing under a variety of conditions to ensure that electronics, connectivity ports, memory configuration, firmware/software and electrical components perform to standards.

What about the warranty of a refurbished hardware appliance?

Most resellers offer a minimum warranty of three months. It varies with the policy of the supplier. Extended warranty up to two years can be availed from some retailers.

What to look out for when buying refurbished?

There is a growing concern in the industry surrounding fake equipment. Anyone who has taken a stroll down Manhattan's Canal Street lately has no doubt become aware of the thriving market for fake Rolexes, Luis Vuitton hand bags and the like. This phenomenon has recently infiltrated the network hardware market. These fakes, often referred to in the industry as, "Chisco" (fake Cisco products originating in China), are popping up more and more. Cisco Systems is the largest provider of Internet telephony equipment in the world, and account for some 80% of all used equipment sales worldwide. This enormous popularity has made them the obvious target for such fake product reproduction.

It helps to have a few tools to protect yourself from fraud. Rule 1 when shopping for used equipment is to be wary of suppliers from China. Historically, most of these fakes have originated somewhere in China. So be careful when dealing with a Chinese supplier. Try to deal with a reputable supplier and develop a relationship. It helps to look for quality business certifications such as "ISO 9001" and others when choosing a reseller.

When using online auctions, feedback is king! Make sure you deal exclusively with resellers who have significant positive feedback from multiple people. Take a quick peek at the actual responses and confirm that they in-fact come from unique sources and not all the same person. People have been known online, to buy large inexpensive quantities from one another to essentially stuff the ballot box and artificially flood the others feedback score.

Who are some of the leading companies in the refurbished hardware market?

I will breakdown this answer into 2 individual categories. The outlet seller and the full service provider.

Full service provider:

These organizations offer a full suite of services for the IT customer. In this model, relationships are formed between the salesperson and customer. The sales cycle can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 year. The customer will usually disclose all relevant information regarding their project or current network configuration. Educated sales people here will assist the customer to make decision about what product or products might best solve their particular business needs. These providers will often offer integration services as well, helping the customer to install the new equipment into their existing set-up. A prime example of this type of sale would be Digital warehouse. DW is a certified NY based full service supplier of refurbished network hardware. Their mission is "reducing the cost of network infrastructure", and that's exactly what they do. With a rigorous reconditioning and testing process coupled with a warranty program that rivals anyone else's in the industry, they allow you to feel safe and secure that you are getting quality second hand hardware at a great price.

Outlet sales:

Online outlet sales have recently emerged as a new trend in the used hardware industry. Direct selling online has become the latest luxury for IT professionals who know what they want or need. Usedcisco's. website is the ideal address for such transactions. They borrowed Michael Dell's direct approach to selling online and moved away from the traditional consultative sales approach. Basically, assuming that many of these products have become commoditized and listed products and pricing directly on their site. For the first time, an end user could go online quickly and source product at a reasonable price, place the order and be finished in record time. Never once having to deal with a salesperson along the way.

What is the difference between refurbished hardware and used hardware?

Refurbished hardware are renovated, reset and fully tested. The term "used hardware" is often used synonymously with refurbished hardwarein this industry. However; on occasion, particularly in online auctions, the term "used", may also mean that it has not been tested or reconditioned in any way. Under such circumstances it is preferential to inquire about the specifics before purchasing under the title "used".

Are there any other price advantages associated with refurbished hardware?

Absolutely! You can expect to save anywhere form 30 - 90% off list price when buying used. Traditionally people would shy away from used equipment because of the inherent risk that it presented. However, with current competition in the secondary market resellers have raised their quality standards. They now provide guarantee's that outlast the original warranty given when the unit was new.

What does all this mean to you?

This means that most of the risk formerly associated with buying hardware used has been eliminated. With a little bit of knowledge and a touch of common sense you can now enjoy massive discounts on IT equipment, stress free! Making "reconditioned", the new way to go for hip IT professionals everywhere.



Mr. Joshua Levitt is the Managing Director of UsedCisco.com. He has 3 years of marketing experience through the channel in the networking industry. Before that, Mr. Levitt was a successful entrepreneur in other industries. He is a true self-starter with a strong entrepreneurial spirit Mr. Levitt will be solely responsible for the http://usedcisco.com business unit, providing leadership and direction for the entity. He handles and delegates all daily tasks related to its operations.Amandine Blog93366
Leon Blog87414

Pubic Hair Removal - Tips When Waxing

Avoid showering and making the hair wet prior to waxing. Hair absorbs the water making it soft and less likely to adhere well to the wax. Tough hair is easier to pull off.

Be sure to test a small area of skin first to make sure there is no acute sensitivity or allergic reaction to pubic hair removal using waxing.

Hair should be at least 1/8 inch long. If it isn't wait until it reaches this length.

Be sure to wash the skin thoroughly and dry it well beforehand to remove any lotions or oils which may prevent the wax from adhering closely to the skin.

Heat the wax carefully so as not to overheat and thus burn the skin when applying. Test on a small area first.

The consistency should be soft rather than runny.

If pain and discomfort is a main concern use a pain reducing gel or cream available from pharmacists. These solutions should be applied 30 to 60 minutes before waxing so the skin is numbed beforehand.

Apply a thin layer of wax in the direction of the hair growth and peel back with a rapid movement close to the skin.

Do not pull up or out, rather pull back.

Clean the skin with a warm moist towel afterwards to remove excess wax.

Avoid wearing tight clothing over freshly waxed areas to minimize the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs. 24-48 hours after pubic hair removal waxing, exfoliate the skin (with a Loofa sponge for example) to prevent the dead skin from accumulating and causing hair to become ingrown.

Best Positions

Option 1. Sit in a chair with your feet up above your waist and legs spread apart.

Option 2. Sit with one leg propped above your waist and the other leg resting on the floor.

Option 3. Lie on your back with legs wide apart and raised in the air so that all the waxable areas are spread taut.

Option 4. Lie on your side with the bottom leg straight out and the top leg bent at the knee and tucked behind the straight leg.

Option 5. Bend the knees and keep the legs wide apart so the genital areas are easy to work on. Put a mirror on the ground if necessary for better control.

Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. His recommendation: As waxing pulls hair out from the root, follow up with Kalo Hair Inhibitor Lotion. This solution penetrates the hair follicle and disables the mechanism of hair growth, thus making pubic waxing much easier over time.Baudouin Blog46027
Capricorne Blog3355

A Definitive Guide To Buying A Mattress

As with the type of bed available, there are many different types of mattress. Don't let the variety confuse you though! All the mattresses available will be one of the following types:

Spring Unit

these will offer Bonnell spring (open coil) - individual springs connected together; Continuous spring - a single length of wire that typically offers more, small springs; Pocket spring - individual springs usually enclosed in individual fabric 'pockets'. This design enables each spring to function and adapt to pressure independently of the other springs. This allows greater pressure relieving properties and fewer disturbances to a partner sharing the bed.

Bonnell spring units are typically the cheapest, with pocket sprung units priced higher; however the price is determined by the quality of the manufacture, the number of springs and the gauge (thickness) of the wire used to make the springs. A greater number of springs and high gauge of spring will usually offer a more firm sleep system.

Foam Mattresses

the three main types of foam offered include: Latex - has special elastic properties to mould to shape whilst in use and reform after offering pressure relieving properties. Polyurethane is offered in varying densities and qualities and is widely used and versatile. Viso-elastic or Memory Foam as it is called in the industry was developed by NASA for astronauts on space shuttles. Memory Foam responds to the temperature and weight of the body to shape to the user and recover its original shape after the pressure and temperature has been removed.

Each type of mattress will provide a unique feel and amount of tension. To provide a comfortable, restful sleep one must ensure that the spine is kept in alignment. A mattress that is too soft will cause too much curvature of the spine, whilst a mattress that is too firm will keep the spine too straight. As a rule of thumb one may use the following technique: Lie face up on the mattress. Slide your hand under the small of your back - if it is very easy to slide your hand under your back then the mattress is too firm. If you find it hard to slide your hand under your back then the mattress is too soft.

Other mattress options you may find are:

'Ticking' - basically the mattress cover, often made of Damask or Viscose material and may contain hypo-allergenic material. It is suggested that one purchases a mattress with a tough, resistant cotton cover as some cheaper mattresses may not provide the resilience needed for long mattress life.

Quilting - the cover is connected to the internal filling providing a degree of stability within the mattress.

"Tufting - is similar to quilting but tapes are passed through the mattress to secure any loose internal fillings.

Hand-side stitching - maintains the shape of the mattress,

Quilted Mattress Tufted Mattress

There is no 'ideal' mattress for a particular person and the type of mattress and mattress tension that you find comfortable will be a very individual decision to make. The only safe advice to offer is to try it out! Lie on the mattress in comfortable clothes with your shoes off in your natural sleeping position for a few minutes at the very least. Your online retailer may offer a showroom to enable you to do this, but if they do not then you can use other retailers as a showroom - just remember which mattress you liked!

John Stalker has over 10 years experience in the bedding industry and now runs http://www.bedstar.co.uk, An online bed and mattress superstore selling leather beds and mattresses from all the major manufacturers, throughout the UK.Cible Blog39049
Marietta Blog49680

Internet Authors aren't Newspaper Columnists

The problem with the internet is that it changes so fast, and develops in so many different ways, that ordinary people have problems keeping up with it. Worse, they don't see new things as they are but instead, as reflections of things they are already familiar with. It's as though somebody caught sight of a zebra for the first time and said, 'Oh look, a horse with black and white stripes'. Well, yes, that's almost true, but a zebra isn't a horse. It's a unique species. And what is developing on the web isn't old ideas with new stripes, either. They are new species too.

I heard a man on Radio 4 this morning and he was complaining that bloggers aren't as good as old-fashioned newspaper columnists. His argument rested around the fact that they weren't being paid! The underlying assumption he had - that he was revealing - was that if people who wrote blogs were any good as writers, then they would be able to get jobs on newspapers. Since they aren't - employed on newspapers - they must be inferior writers and shouldn't be read!

To me, this is an example of mixing up genres and failing to see how the internet has changed things. Sure, some bloggers aren't good writers and some blogs are boring and even incoherent. But some bloggers, on the other hand, are excellent writers and would be welcome in the offices of any publication, (if they chose to try their hand at the world of journalism). Any regular internet reader knows this. I don't have to argue the case. It's only the regular newspaper readers, the people who drop in on the internet occassionally, dip in and out, cruise around and don't really get a feel for it, who might believe that the bad blogs they find are typical. They aren't.

There's also the assumption that if people aren't paid, it's because they're no good at what they do. It's not like that. Most people write blogs because they have something to say, not because they have adopted the professional position of 'journalist' or 'commentator' or 'columnist'. Only later, if they really are good at it, (and people notice and come to their site regularly), then they might decide to throw in a few Adsense ads or incorporate some other money-making venture at their address. But - the man on Radio 4 poured scorn on these attempts. He quoted the case of a blogger who, he asserted, was '50th in the world' in terms of popularity. The man had only made $3,500 last year from his blog, (stated our radio pundit), Somehow, to him, this proved the man wasn't a good writer. Nonsense. It 'proves' he isn't a well-paid newspaper columnist, drawing a fee to produce a regular weekly column, but it says nothing about the standard of writing - merely that the rewards for writing articles on the internet are on a different level from out there in the 'traditional' writing world.

The problem really, it seems to me, is that the new world of interent authoring has created new ways of 'being a writer'. Our commentator above probably longs for the days when he could attend polite dinner parties and people could discuss newspaper columns they'd read, from writers they admired. The great thing then, of course, was that if someone said, 'Did you see what so-and-so said in The Observer this week', then there was a good chance that everyone might have seen it. (But not everyone sees the same articles on the web, they're too widespread.) Even better, if you hadn't seen the article in question, you could still go home and dig out your copy, or borrow one from a friend, or even - heaven knows, new technology - go to the internet and download a copy from the newspaper's website. There would then be a feeling of shared culture, everyone reading the same things, giving their opionions on the same pieces they had read. It was comfortable.

But, just as changes in TV broadcasting have produced hundreds of channels and a huge divergence in viewing patterns, so the web has given great new opportunities for more writers to get online, more views to be expressed, and more debate to happen. It's just different. It needs new skills. For instance, you are in the process of reading this article in front of you. It might have cropped up on any number of web sites. You might have found it anywhere. But, if you want to find what else I've written, it's simple: you put the name 'Mike Scantlebury' into a search engine and track down other articles by me. You might then decide to print them out and save them in a folder.

People used to do that. The only difference then was that their 'favourite' columnist would have been found in the same place, at the same time. Say, a column in their favourite Sunday newspaper. Now, it's different. Now you may have to hunt around to find other stuff by the same author. But if you liked what the person said, you could still decide to save the clippings. Hey, what have you got? A folder full of bits of paper, (just like the example above). That hasn't changed.

What has changed is that there are more opinions getting an airing, more voices being heard. That's threatening for people who want to feel comfortable with a 'spokesperson' they feel comfortable with. The plethora of opportunities to be seen is confusing for anyone who likes to have a habit. So, if you are used to buying your regular Sunday newspaper because you like its style, its stance, its take on the news, how upsetting would it be to go in the shop one day and find that there were suddenly a thousand papers on sale, instead of the choice of six or eight that you were used to seeing? It would be very disturbing.

The answer, to our friend on the radio, is that he has decided to close his eyes to this new choice, and try to limit it somehow. Mainly by deriding the new writers, and attacking the range of choice offered by the internet. No need. That will happen anyway. Why do you think his example was the '50th most popular' blog on the web? Because people don't read everything that's out there, regularly. People make choices, anyway. Readers liked what the '50th' person had to say and kept coming back. That made the blog popular. Even better, suppose the writer then becomes famous, who knows, some newspaper might come along one day and offer them a position (or even, perhaps, syndicate their output in the paper). That would be great for our man on the radio. He would then be able to read the newspaper and discuss the articles inside with his friends at dinner parties, just as he has always done. In fact, he would be looking at an animal with black and white stripes, but no worries. He could still pretend it was a horse.

Mike Scantlebury is an Internet Author, selling his varied books at Lulu and making downloads available at his home site. He has also founded a Discussion Forum about the future inevitable triumph of internet publishing at http://www.publishingisdead.com where all contributions to the debate will be warmly welcomed.Christine Blog13063
Harold Blog35358

Credit Repair - It's All About Saving Money

Why is credit repair important? It comes down to one simple thing - saving money.

Everyone has a credit report. It turns out that about 70% of all credit reports contain inaccurate or untimely information. This can have an adverse effect on your credit score and that can cost you money. Credit repair is the process you undertake to remove or correct these errors on your credit report.

The great thing about repairing your credit is it's not difficult to do. The first step is to obtain a copy of your credit report. If you have been turned down for a loan or credit, you are entitled to a free credit report within 60 days of the rejection. You are also entitled to 1 free report from each of the 3 credit reporting agencies each year.

The next step is to let the credit reporting agency know in writing what information you think is inaccurate and request that it be removed or corrected. Make sure you send the letter by certified mail so you have a receipt with a record of when you sent it. Always keep copies of your letters.

The credit reporting agencies have 30 days to investigate your dispute and get back to you. If they find the information under dispute to be inaccurate, they must notify all three credit reporting agencies and the creditor or organization that provided the information. All of them must correct the information in your file.

When the investigation is complete, the credit reporting agency will provide you with the results and a copy of your updated credit report for your review.

If the investigation does not resolve the issue, you can request to have a statement of the dispute added to your file and on future credit reports.

Then you need to send a letter to the creditor or organization that provided the inaccurate information, telling them that you dispute their information. Include all documents that support your position. If the creditor reports the information to a credit reporting agency, it must also include a notice of the dispute.

So why go through this exercise? Your credit score determines how much interest you pay on loans or credit. If you add up how much interest you pay on your car loan, home mortgage and insurance, you can see just how much money is at stake - it can be thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can even determine if you get a job or not.

Credit repair is vital in making sure your credit report is accurate so you can save money - sometimes a great deal of money.
Thomas Erikson is co-founder of http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com which provides http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com/credit-repair.html information and solutions.Elisee Blog96147
Juin Blog95552

Flip-Flops with style, Comfort and Bling from Swarovski Havaianas

The buzz is out ! Everyone is saying this years 2007/08 Swarovski Havaianas flip flops from Shop Flip Flops are the flip flops of choice.

With 664 unique Havaianas to choose from you can customize any style, any color, and any size Havaianas. They have unlimited special order capibilities and have been known to supply a last minute wedding (of 178 people) with matching customized Havaianas in 6 days.

" It was not easy..." said Jessica Mends, Owner of( http://www.shopflipflops.com )" So, we receive a call about noon in brazil and the customer was very stressed on the phone. She said she needed in total 178 Women's Swarovski Havaianas, High Heel Havaianas, and Men's Havaianas made in 6 days in various sizes, colors, and models." continues Jessica.

" Our large team worked 20 hours straight in one day to finish the job, package and ship out the order !"

Located in Curitiba, Brazil. TheHavaianas by Shop Flip Flops.com has only now opened a online store.

"We never really paid much attention to the internet part of the company" said Jessica. "We always were very busy (locally and wholesale) and didnt think about selling on the worldwide web directly to retail customers. We currently wholesale swarovski havaianas, havaianas and custom beaded havaianas to ebay sellers, botique shops in Italy, Germany, Spain , Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, France, UK, Monaco, Greece, Australia, Tokyo, South Africa, Mexico, Canada and USA.

We are looking forward to expanding our business and meeting new resellers and direct buyers off the internet."

Besides offering a full range of Havaiana styles and colors, Shop Flip Flop also offers customized, handmade flip flops and, the most exciting, Swarovski Havaianas, which will add sparkle to any wedding. The Swarovski Havaiana relies on the best in Swarovski crystals to create unimaginable beauty, a rich, luxurious look and all the comfort and airiness desired in a Havaiana sandal.

We currently have 153 models of Havaianas and 87 Swarovski designs, says Jessica Mends, owner of The Havaianas. And with our customization options, there are over 13,000 possible combinations available to consumers. This will be a big item for weddings, bridal parties, celebrations, graduations, or other events. Since we carry footwear for women, men and children, there is something for everyone.

Shop Flip Flop is located in Curtiba, Brazil and carries a readily available inventory of all styles including high heels, flash, top, cartoon or the traditional Havaiana styles. Known for their great customer service and speedy delivery, Shop Flip Flop will make your custom flip flop by hand and have them to you in a timely manner.

Created back in the 1960s, Havaianas flip-flops have made their way in recent years from closets in Brazil to runs ways in New York, gaining an almost cult-like following and the title "best rubber flip flops in the world."

Put on a pair of comfy pants and grab a cup of your favourite coffe and browse the almost " endless" selection at www.shopflipflops.com

Shop Flip Flops has the largest online collection of Swarovski Havaianas and the entire 2007/08 product line. You can contact Shop Flip Flops at sales@shopflipflops.com or http://www.shopflipflops.comEdinbourg Blog73908
Felicite Blog71207

Interesting Ways To Connect Entertainment Memorabilia

There are interesting ways to connect Entertainment/Memorabilia items with the way we enjoy our lives. Some people collect pennants from their favorite sports teams. The pleasure derived from sports memorabilia could begin during college when pennants adorned our walls and extend into adulthood when we collect team memorabilia such as jerseys, baseball caps, or shot glasses.

Other interesting ways to connect Entertainment/Memorabilia is to associate a family event with a historical site such as a National Park. These sites have unique features such as geysers, canyons and rivers and when linked to family vacations or a family reunion these sites have the extraordinary ability to create all sorts of entertainment and the memorabilia could come from a piece of petrified rock or a photograph of a landscape or a group of family members.

Most of the interesting ways to connect Entertainment/Memorabilia have historic significance attached to them. The Space Program offers Entertainment/Memorabilia with scientific significance such as space modules and rockets, and Memorabilia that might be attached historically to our lives when we viewed the first walk on the Moon. Tragedies have occurred in the Space Program and the memorabilia attached to the events are considered to be national treasures.

Small towns have found interesting ways to connect Entertainment/Memorabilia by featuring antique fire trucks and rescue emergency vehicles in parades. These antiquated pieces of machinery solidify how solid America is on its core values and how we unashamedly grasp what good times are all about. Parades have a way of tying memories of the past with firm reminders of the technological advances that we have achieved today.

Our democratic society has produced interesting ways to connect Entertainment/Memorabilia sources through several portals in our lives. Some collectors place great value on campaign buttons and bumper stickers of Presidential campaigns held many years ago, but still find it impossible to collect such things as the original Bill of Rights or the Constitution because they are owned by the American public as a whole and would never be considered for sale at any price.

Adults have interesting ways to connect Entertainment/Memorabilia with the schools that prepared us to excel in life. Events such as the Senior Prom or the times spent in the principal's office have had a great effect on the character of the person that we became when we reached adulthood. Some people are so connected to the school that they graduated from, that they feel compelled to return to them after earning their teaching certificates.

The school experience goes full circle when the student becomes the teacher and the school becomes yet another memorable landmark to cherish in the mind of another individual who might do the same thing in later years. The sports events and personal accomplishments that we accrued and endured during our early years will be the benchmark on testing our abilities to find success in the real world.

James Brown writes about http://www.teamlogoandgear.comAztecs Blog98896
Ingres Blog93123

Getting the Best Computer Software Training

What do you want to be when you grow up? Maybe you've always planned on being a cowboy. You know, taking on the Wild West with a six-shooter on your side and no friends, but a fast horse. Doesn't that sound ideal? Uhh, actually now that I say it out loud, it sounds pretty crumby. I guess the whole appeal of riding the range is not what it used to be. These days most of us are more used to riding our computer desks than anything else. This brings up an interesting topic. What about computers? Hey, this is where the future is at. Although folks have been saying that for years now, it's still very true. In fact, that is the reason so many individuals are acquiring computer software training.

Are you getting the proper computer software training for a bright career? It's not like this is a rare field anymore. Oodles of high school graduates are heading off to college in search of quality computer software training. It's where the jobs are. Companies are always looking for more computer savvy individuals. Just take a gander at any job description. Heck, 90 percent of them want you to have computer skills. I was surfing Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com just last night and spotted a number of job opportunities that specified computer software training. If you stop to think about it, this is not bizarre in any way. How many computers do you think there are in use on any given day? I would wager that there are quite a few. Imagine every company, business and home. This is how we go about our daily lives in the modern era of technology. It's all about software, hardware, and cyberspace. You simply can't have too much computer software training.

Where would you go to attain computer software training? You could always hit up the local Universities. It's simple now days because all the information you need regarding classes is online. How cool is that! A second option for computer software training is a community college. This way you can save money and keep a flexible schedule. Furthermore, I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but you can get computer software training from your very own home. That's right! All you need is a personal computer and Internet connection.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning computer. Learn more at http://www.computersoftwareinfosite.com/computer-software/computer-software-information/getting-the-best-computer-software-training.html.Ignace Blog75663
Marcel Blog98003

Helping Small Business Consulting Clients in Denial

As a consultant involved in small business consulting, your clients may sometimes ask you why they need the more powerful or larger network you are recommending. Many may say their networks work great most of the time.

Selling Small Business Consulting Clients Fear

When clients question your recommendations or are in denial about their needs, you will often have to sell fear. Talk to the small business consulting client about another customer that trusted his own PC-savvy bookkeeper so much that she was able to steal $50K from the company by covering her trails because no one else was paying attention to the network or its activities. Only the most nave clients will trust every employee and person that has access to the building.

Security In Small Business Consulting

In real life, small business owners don't typically think about security until an emergency arises. It's your responsibility as a small business consulting expert to inform your prospects and clients about the importance of addressing security issues. Ask them to think about sensitive files including credit card numbers, social security numbers, trade secrets, payroll information and annual employee evaluations.

Client Needs

Small business consulting clients often are not thinking big enough when they question your recommendations for a different network. This is the point at which you should take the client through a thorough initial consultation, needs analysis, IT audit and site evaluation.

Often a small business owner will just ask for file sharing or e-mail, but if you delve deeper, you will discover the client needs more sophisticated technological elements.

If small business consulting clients say they don't need better data security, you need to dig deeper. Find out where they store sensitive information and figure out how to design systems that will work with their particular needs.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101 Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg of Computer Consulting 101 helps computer consultants get more steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for free access Joshua's field-tested, proven Computer Consulting 101 strategies at http://ComputerConsulting101.blogspot.comLesley Blog48854
Hermes Blog88673

Miscarriage Story & Multiple Miscarriages

When you are focussing on trying to conceive a baby, the last thing that usually occurs to you is the possibility that you might lose it, unless of course you have previously suffered pregnancy loss. Especially when experiencing the type of euphoria that overwhelms you when you find youve been successful after a long time, it can be virtually impossible to allow such an awful possibility to gain access to your head.

And if, like me, you havent devoured an entire library of pregnancy books, spines and all, before becoming pregnant you can be blissfully ignorant of the things that can go wrong with pregnancy. And even if you do like to be prepared for all eventualities, in the effort to remain positive and uplifting, to convey the joy of pregnancy, most of the pregnancy books devote little coverage to topics such as what to expect during miscarriage or what a miscarriage looks like. For that you need to go straight to the books entitled Miscarriage and who, when newly pregnant, is doing that, no matter what paranoid tendencies they may possess? Even when I was finally pregnant again after my first miscarriage I was not tempted. Well, not much, only a bit. I confess that I may have picked one up and peeped inside before realizing I was on the verge of taking leave of my senses and put it hurriedly back on the shelf.

So, how do you know if youve had a miscarriage and not realized it? Especially if you hadnt heard or read anything about it beforehand, it is entirely possible to have missed it altogether. Statistics on miscarriage are based on known pregnancies and do not take into account women who miscarry when they didnt know they were pregnant. Generally it is passed off as a particularly heavy or nasty period, with heavier than usual bleeding accompanied by some clotting. A pregnancy test when taken up to several days after a miscarriage will still show a positive result. My state of denial after my second miscarriage was so strong that I frantically took two further tests, despite an ultrasound having shown nothing but an empty sac and the fact that Id bled the equivalent of small dam, and both of them showed the strong double line. I called my doctor, who told me that the pregnancy hormones could remain in my system for up to a week.

Miscarriage emotions, on the other hand can last a lot longer and can vary widely: from hysteria involving wailing uncontrollably and flinging oneself at objects like a Greek widow at a funeral, to the depths of despair causing curling up in foetal position for days at a time, to a kind of blank dissociative state where you go through the motions of living without feeling anything.

Is it harder to conceive after a miscarriage? Personally I found it hard to conceive before and after my miscarriages but this was due to a whole host of reasons, which may or may not have been linked to the miscarriages themselves. My doctors, after each miscarriage, advised me to ideally wait three months before trying again, to allow the system to get back into order or words to that effect. Yet Ive met many women who didnt even wait to have another period, they resumed trying again right away and fell pregnant first go. Even after loss of infant due to miscarriage, when the miscarriage is later in the pregnancy and not far from a still birth, women conceive relatively quickly and successfully. I had a work colleague who lost a baby at twenty weeks and just over a year later she gave birth to a healthy child.

So, achieving pregnancy after a miscarriage is more likely to be difficult if you had difficulties before the miscarriage, like myself. Some women, after the initial hiccup will sail through and never have another problem whereas there are those of us who will experience a spectrum of problems in our endeavours to have a child. Something to remember is that, if one in four (including the unknown) pregnancies end in miscarriage, the more pregnancies you achieve there is some chance that you may lose one of them.

For more articles by the author go to:

Jodi Panayotov is the author of In Vitro Fertility Goddess and has been described as "Australia's answer to Bridget Jones" (ABC Radio) as she uses sharp humour to help fertility-challenged women overcome this all-consuming affliction.Conversion Blog5469
Leger Blog22018

How To Get Business Success Part 3

Business Principle Number 3: Check Out The Company

What do you think is important when looking for a business?

Sure, the first things you think about are the products and how much money or sales you can make. Then maybe you think about how you are going to actually operate the business and make money.

In fact, it is easy to get caught up in all the hype there is today in the Internet, especially in the area of home based business and making money at home. It seems that every day there are new get in at the ground floor opportunities, as well as so many offers and claims that it makes your head spin. To add to the confusion, there are heaps of Internet marketing product launches, specials, limited offers, bargains and not to be missed deals that you end up spending money on other peoples businesses instead of making profits yourself.

I know, because I have done this myself I have spent thousands of dollars on numerous home business opportunities and on internet marketing products that I thought were the key to business success. Some were good, some were a waste of money.

The thing that I have learned is to check out home business companies to make sure that they meet a number of standards. It makes sense when you think about it. Because if a company is not managed properly it will fall over. Now if I have put a lot of effort into growing a home business, the last thing I want is for that company to fail because of poor management. As well as the financial implications (youre in this to make money after all), you do not want to damage your personal reputation and credibility, which is a valuable asset that you have worked hard to develop.

When a company fails, people think it is because of a poor product, or not enough sales. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. This happens to small business owners too, because as the business grows, the company cannot handle the details. This includes managing the sales, salaries and commissions, and paying their own bills. And because they cannot keep everything going, they actually sell themselves out of business.
Of course, there are companies that fail because of other reasons, like fraud, not keeping up with the needs of the customers and so on.

So what do you look for in a company? Well personally, I always start off with a bit of due diligence, which is as easy as doing a Google search. Just to get a feel for the company (remember that there are always a few complaints, so you want a general overview). I want to make sure that the company is legitimate, so it really helps if the company has a proper office and street address, phone numbers that are answered, and a help or support desk for e-mail enquiries too. I prefer it when there is a real person, with a name, in charge of the company, so you can check them out too.

To be a successful company in a growth phase (because you want the business to be growing and not shrinking), the management team must look after

* Everything to do with commissions and salary, including taxes
* All legal issues, advertising laws
* Customer service and support
* Training of staff and business partners
* Future planning and business planning
* All computer hardware and software issues, including security and websites
* Quality control
* Human Resources
* Product development
* Communication
* Sales and marketing
* Delivery of products or materials (some are digital but many companies still provide product and/or training materials physically).
* International business
* Admin
And so on and so on.

This is just a fraction of all the things that companies have to do to keep ahead of the game and provide a solid foundation for future growth.

I believe it is very helpful to look at a home business companys track record. If it has been around for a few years, is operating successfully and is handling the growth well..these are good indicators that things are fine.

Janet Ellershaw is a successful Internet marketing professional who really loves working at home. Eymard Blog95813
Korella Blog90950

Consolidate Private Student Loans - 4 Benefits You Can't Ignore

Consolidate private student loans into one manageable loan. Instead of trying to juggle multiple private student loans, why not lump them together and make it easier to manage each month? When you consolidate your private student loans, you replace all of your outstanding private loans with one large private student loan. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really. In fact it's easy and here are the benefits that you'll enjoy.

The key benefit when you consolidate private student loans is lower monthly payments. Instead of making multiple monthly payments on different loans, you would have only one monthly payment. That one monthly payment will be less than the total amount of payments of all the other loans combined. Frankly, this is the time when you need your money the most - for rent, furniture, buying a house or car, getting married, starting a family...

By lumping your private student loans into one loan, you make repayment much more convenient. You get to deal with only one lender and that reduces the risk of forgetting about or missing payments. There's much less paperwork to worry about and you don't have to juggle a bunch of different due dates.

Consolidating your private student loans provides you the opportunity to get a lower interest rate and that saves you money. Lower interest charges help to offset the cost of lowering your monthly payment. So in the end, you can have lower monthly payments without extending your loan as far as you would have.

One of the added benefits of consolidating your private student loans is you can improve your credit score. When you receive a consolidation loan, the funds are used to pay off all of the loans being consolidated. So, in effect, you have just successfully paid off multiple loans - on time or early. And that goes a long way to improving your credit score.

So how exactly does that benefit you? Remember, the house or car you want to buy? That's going to take a mortgage or car loan. A better credit score means you pay less interest and that saves you money. In the case of a mortgage, it can mean thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

If you want to lower your monthly payments, make them more convenient by dealing with only one loan and get a lower interest rate, you should consolidate private student loans. It not only helps keep your money at a time when you need it but it helps you improve your chances of saving more money on future loans.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of http://www.your-debt-consolidation-loan.com which provides student loan consolidation information and solutions.Frederic Blog21128
Lydie Blog3138

Supply And Demand Marketing In Ecommerce Ventures

One of the hardest aspects of running a brick-and-mortar or ecommerce building is keeping tabs on supply and demand. Most of the business ventures which fail involved a product with little or no demand, or the supply was so great that customers were never pressured to buy. They could buy whenever they felt like it.

Most business owners overlook the importance of supply and demand when they set up a marketing campaign. They are more interested in SEO, and banner exchanges. They explore Pay Per Click programs, and traffic generating opportunities. All of their time is spent learning how to gain exposure. Very little is spent on learning about their customers, and measuring the supply and demand of their product.

A Good Product Addresses The Demand

One of the most important aspects of marketing is a good product. It is amazing how many ecommerce businesses start without a product to sell. The business owner believes that their drop ship store is their product. Or, they believe that their ebook is the product.

This is not a product. Your product is not something tangible which people will pay for. In fact, most products can be found in a dozen places, so there is no reason for anyone to feel pressured to buy before leaving the website.

The product is what the customer will leave the website with. A book on property management, a training course on stock investing, a starter kit for a work at home business, these are not products.

All products fall into three categories:

1. They solve a problem.
2. They make life easier.
3. They help people improve.

If a website sells a starter kit for work at home businesses, then it should address these three aspects of the product. What problems will this product solve? How will this product make the business owners life easier? How will the business owner get an edge over the competition with this product? The answers to these questions are the real product.

That is why one website can make thousands of dollars a month, selling ebooks on investing, while others fail. Take the website www.fool.com as an example. This website has mastered the art of selling their problem solving products. Yes, you can arrange a mortgage through one of their brokersbut the reason why you sign with their broker, is because they promise to help you save money, or #2 on our list.


Another important aspect is to address the supply. There are thousands of websites selling Ipods for less than retail. There are hundreds of thousands of sites that help people start a business. The supply is big. However, is there a demand?

The demand can be drastically reduced by addressing singular problems involved with starting up a business. For example, many websites tell small business owners to visit their local municipal offices and learn what is involved with importing or exporting. However, a website that doesnt tell people this, instead, it offers a quick importing/exporting tutorial will have a problem solving product.

The Ipod store, which includes every single Ipod accessory, including places where it is legal to download songs will do better than an ecommerce store that lists thousands of electronics.

Supply & Demand

Put them together. Demand is convincing people that there is some reason they need to buy the product now. It doesnt matter if there are 40 000 other websites selling the same product. Focus on 1 3 problems that your product will solve and broadcast it across the net.

Supply does not necessarily mean the number of product for sale. Instead, it means the number of product that your customers have available to them. There may be 1000 ebooks on property investing each one good. However, yours may be the only one entitled How to Build a Property Portfolio Without Loosing Your Family Home.

Now, the supply has narrowed to 1 You.

Mark Walters is a third generation entrepreneur and author. He offers free training and investing videos designed to speed you towards financial independence at http://www.cashflowinstitute1.com/Articles.htmlAnicet Blog52562
Kriste Blog22676

Dental Care For Your Dog

Did you know that dental care is just as important for your dog as it is for us human beings? Just like with our teeth, your dogs teeth can gather plaque during eating. This plaque can then build up and harden which then becomes known as a brown substance called tartar.

Then as this tartar accumulates it will work its way beneath the dogs gums and become the reason behind painful infections and gum disease. This process occurs in the mouths of dogs, and is no different to what occurs in people. You no doubt brush your teeth on a regular basis, but think about your poor dog for a moment. What can he/she do?

The Veterinary world says that dog owners should brush their dogs teeth twice a week to stop the accumulation of tartar. Well, I honestly dont know any owners who take the trouble to do this. Hopefully you do. A lot of pet shops stock toothbrushes and toothpaste especially for dogs. You need to know that a dogs sense of taste is a lot more sensitive than that of us humans and the minty, tingly, sort of toothpastes that we use will be pretty unpleasant to a dog. So just make sure you use the proper doggie toothpaste.

It is fortunate that dogs have a natural tendency to chew and this acts as a dental care mechanism. Dogs crunch biscuits into small pieces when chewing and these rub against their teeth, providing a cleaning function. This is no substitute for brushing, but if you cant manage that, just try to ensure he/she regularly gets some type of crunchy dog biscuit.

Any dogs that do not get the correct dental care and do not have access to good teeth cleaning foods run the risk of different types of mouth disease. These can be mild like gingivitis or a rather more serious type of infection that can get into the dogs bloodstream and damage vital organs.

Dental services are readily available for dogs. A dogs teeth can be capped, filled, and extracted if required, just like a human beings. Of course the best way is to avoid the need for these services by looking after your dogs teeth. Preventative dental care for your dog can save you money as well. Dog dental care can unfortunately be quite costly, but then its less painful than toothache.

James Hunaban is the owner of - http://dog-health.jims-info.com/ and http://dogs-care.jims-info.com/ - sites dedicated to Dogs.Citroen Blog46850
Justin Blog76178

Should You Use a Loan From Your 401(k) to Eliminate Consumer Debt?

If you have accumulated some savings in a 401(k) plan while also racking up consumer debt you may be in a position to substantially reduce the interest payments you are making on your debts while earning a nice return on your retirement investments.

Before you decide to take this route though there are some things to consider.

1. Do you own a home?

If the answer to this questions is yes and you have some equity built up you're probably better off using a home equity loan to pay off your debts because it is an easier and less complex way to reduce the interest rate and payments on your consumer debt.

2. Will your employment be stable for the next 5 years?

Plan repayment terms vary but a common rule of thumb is non-home related loans from 401(k) plans have to be paid back within 5 years. Do not take out a loan amount that you do not think you'll be able to pay back within the plan repayment guidelines. Any money not repaid will be considered a distribution by the tax man and you will get hit with penalties and taxes that would negate any benefit to employing this strategy.

Also, you need to feel confident you won't be laid off, look for a new job elsewhere, or otherwise change employers for the amount of time it will take you to pay back the loan. If you leave the company most plans will require immediate repayment of the loan and any amount not repaid will be considered a distribution.

3. Will you be able to accommodate the repayments in your budget?

Unlike credit cards which give you the flexibility to vary payments. Typically repayment on loans from your 401(k) are fixed and deducted automatically from your paychecks. Before employing this strategy make sure your monthly budget will be able to accommodate the size of these payments and that you have the financial flexibility to take care of any unexpected expenses should the need arise.

4. Are you comfortable with the possible loss of return on your savings?

While you will be paying yourself interest on the loan you take, about 6% based on where interest rates are today, typically an investment in a stock fund would return more. So you have to decide if you will be able to emotionally handle a scenario were stocks take off and you're stuck with a cash return for a few of years.

5. What are the tax implications?

You will be repaying the loan with money that has already been taxed. When you withdraw money from your 401(k) in the form of distributions down the road those distributions will also be taxed. So you are being taxed twice on the earnings used to pay back the loan. Oftentimes if you earn a substantial salary then this strategy doesn't make financial sense unless your interest rates are exceptionally high.

At this point you may be thinking why would I ever employ this strategy. It seems too difficult and risky to implement. The reason is you could see substantial benefits to your finances if the math works for you.

Below is an example I use to demonstrate how you can figure out if paying off your debts this way is a wise decision.

Bill is 28 and has $10,000 of credit card debt. His salary has averaged $40,000 per year for the 5 years he's had his current job. He expects to remain with his employer for the next 5 years. He has saved 10% of his salary for the last 5 years and so he has $20,000 of savings.

The average rate of his credit card debt is 13% and the average rate of taxes he pays on his income is 20%.

If Bill paid off his credit cards without a loan over the next 5 years he'd pay $13,652.

Assuming Bill pays 6% interest on his loan his repayment will equal $13,382 over the next 5 years.

So Bill's gain from taking the loan is $3,652 (the amount he saved in interest payments) + $3,382 (the amount he payed himself in interest) for a total of $7,034.

Bill's cost are as follows. If he invested the money in an S&P 500 fund and earned 12% he would have $17,623 at the end of 5 years.

Because he has an average tax burden of 20% of income he'll have to earn $12,000 to pay back the $10,000 loan.

The total cost to Bill for employing this strategy is $4,241 (the difference between $17,623 - $13,382) + $2,000 (for the taxes he'll pay) for a total of $6,241.

So Bill's net savings from employing this strategy is $7,034 - $6,241 = $793.

$793 is nothing to sneeze at but Bill may still not want to take out the loan if he's unsure about his employment, expects his income to rise substantially, or if he's not comfortable he'll be able to afford the monthly repayment of $193.33.

Conversely, if Bill was a more conservative investor and expected a lower return on his money, if the average interest rate on his debt was higher, or if he expected his tax rate to decrease he would see more substantial savings from employing this plan.

There is no universally right answer to the question of whether or not to use a 401(k) loan to pay off consumer debt. Use the example above as a framework to figure out if the numbers work for you and then take the plunge if you feel comfortable.

Steve Miller is devoted to helping people eradicate their debt. The web-site he co-founded http://www.debtmd.com offers free debt elimination software individuals can use to create a personal debt elimination plan in 9 minutes and 34 seconds.Clement Blog24891
Edinbourg Blog73908

Advantages and Disadvantages of Payday Loans

Payday loans are intended to bind borrowers over until the following paycheck reaches its destination. The weakness of cash advances includes expensive fees that make the APR (annual percentage rates) high enough to send you bankruptcy. The advances are distributed after the borrower signs an agreement accepting the stipulations that he will repay the fees and loan amount on a set date.

If you are planning a cash advance, you should consider all details of the loan and weigh out the pros and cons carefully. The payday loans are slightly different from other types of loans it is short-term loan of unsecured nature.

After a person is accepted for a payday loan, the borrower writes a voided check to the vendor. The check includes the fee and the loan amount. The lender will often charge a percentage of the value borrowed, which in some instances stretches up to 900 percent annually.

Accordingly, if you borrow $200, you will pay back $240. The advance is then rolled over with the date due two weeks after the loan is issued. If the borrower does not have the loan amount upon the end of term agreement, he pays the advance fee and rolls the loan over to the following paycheck.

Payday loans are planned to help those wishing to dodge disconnections of utilities. Reconnection fees are around $50 depending on the state. Car repairs often lead people to payday loans. Most people depend on the vehicle to transport them to and from work. Additional urgent situations including medical expenditures can lead to bad credit. If you do not pay medical bills on time or put the bills off, the provider may send your information to the credit bureaus, which diminishes your credit.

The majority of payday lenders include requirements, which you must meet in order to receive a loan. It often entails employment, checking account, etc. and you will need proof of each detail.

The majority of lenders might decline payday loans if the borrower filed bankruptcy in the preceding year, or filed multiple bankruptcies over a course of time. If you do not have a job, the lender can rightfully deny you a loan, since no evidence of income is available to repay the loan.

Most lenders expect you to make $1000 monthly in net income to apply for a loan. If you worked less than five months on a job, the lender may deny your application.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Payday Cash Loan Guide. If you want to learn more about online payday loans go to http://www.paydaycashloanguide.com/.Jean Claude Blog48426
Jean Michel Blog24178

Monday, February 4, 2008

Key Steps for Removing Stains

Removing stains could be a tough and frustrating job. Before you work on a stain, you need to know the stain type and fabric type. Read these simple stain removal rules to know more.

1. Remove stains as soon as possible. Removing a fresh stain is much easier than an old one.

2. Instructions are written for a reason. Make sure you follow the instructions on the stain removal products you use. Also, follow the instructions on the washing labels on the clothes. Instructions help you to avoid ruining the clothes.

3. Remember to test any stain remover on a hidden place first. Make sure you will not have color fastness problems before using the product on larger areas.

4. When working on a stain, apply the stain treatment on the back of the garment. Put a clean white cloth under the stained part. Change the place of the clean cloth under the stain while garment soaks up the removal product.

5. Bleaching usually works on white fabrics. However, bleaching one tiny stain on color fabrics can result in an uneven color patch. Check the washing label before you consider using bleach.

6. Everything takes time, and stain removal is no exception. It is required sometimes to repeat the treatment if stain persists. Just make sure to check if the stain is still there or not before the garment dries out. Drying only helps to fix the stains.

How to Get Rid of Stains?

There are two main types of stains: water-based stains and oil-based ones. For example, tea or coffee stains are water-based. Most food stains are also considered as water-based. Oil-based stains include cooking oil, butter and grease stains. Other stains such as paint and lipstick are classified as solvent-based. Make sure you identify the kind of stain you have, and use the correct stain removal product for it.

Oil-Based Stains

The key to remove grease and oil stains is to wash clothes in the hottest water that is safe for the fabric. Gently rub liquid stain remover into the stain and let stand for 1 to 3 minutes. A citrus solvent based liquid stain remover, helps break down tough stains, leaving the clothes smelling fresh. Wash in hot water as indicated on the garment tag. If stain persists, re-apply and re-wash.

Water-Based Stains

Remove the stain excess with a clean cloth. Get a natural solvent to dissolve water-based stains it works well even in cold water. This kind of product will not cause fabrics to shrink or fade. Apply the stain remover spray to the soiled part, and allow it to sit for 1 to 3 minutes. If the stain is removed, wash as recommended. For tough stains, repeat the treatment and wash before drying.

Stain Removal from Non-Washable Clothing

To remove stains from non-washable clothing, sponge to remove any excess. Remove the stain by using a product made especially for dry cleanable clothes , while placing a clean cloth under the stained area. When cleaning the stain, work from outside to the center, to avoid the clean part from leaving a mark.

Vincent Platania represents the Stanley Home Products. Stanley Home Products has been in business since 1936, and offers high quality home and personal care products to keep your home and your body clean. Visit http://www.stanleyhomecare.com.Madeleine Blog82120
Alban Blog96055

Start A Prosperous Specialty Shih Tzu Grooming Shop

Cost of investment:

The major elements involved in setting up a Shih Tzu Groom Shop are:

1. Rent and security deposits.
2. Renovation
3. Tools and equipment
4. Furniture and fixtures
5. Legal fees
6. Insurance
7. Advertising
8. Supplies
9. Cash reserve

The cost will depend upon your location and the materials you start out with. You can estimate at least $10,000 to start your Specialty Shih Tzu Grooming Shop.

Rent: Will vary according to the specific location. Rent in a major metropolitan center will be greater than in a rural area. A landlord will usually demand a security deposit in advance or with your first months rent. In addition, there will likely be deposits required for utilities.

Renovation: Is dependent upon the Shih Tzu Groom shops condition and your desire to alter or design the shop.

Tools and equipment: A basic assortment of clippers, blades, scissors, shampoos, brushes, combs, cosmetics for your Shih Tzu Groom Shop will cost at a minimum of $400. Heavy equipment such as dryers, cages and tables fitted with groom loops will cost at a minimum of $2,000.

Legal fees: If you choose a lawyer to negotiate a lease on the most favorable terms for your Shih Tzu Groom Shop, his or her services can cost more than $300.00. The investment may be well worth it, however, if you are unable to negotiate a favorable lease term yourself.

Insurance: Is a must have item.

Advertising: Before opening the doors to your Shih Tzu Groom Shop, you will want to advertise and promote the shop as quickly as possible. Ways of advertising could be through the Yellow Pages, newspapers, direct mail and flyers, at vet offices, pet supply warehouses and the internet. One page websites on the internet describing your business with e-mail and telephone numbers would be quite helpful. You would need to market and promote your website as well.

Supplies: Pet supplies such as designer pet clothing, shampoos, crme rinses, toys and treats, even a pet food distributorship such as HealthyPetNet Lifes Abundance could become quite prosperous in a busy Shih Tzu Grooming Shop. The possibilities for retailing pet supplies in a Shih Tzu Grooming Shop are endless.

Reserve cash: You will of course need to start out with a fair amount of reserve cash in your Shih Tzu Grooming Shop.

This article is FREE to publish with resource box.

Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. Purchase Shih Tzu puppies and sign up for FREE Shih Tzu newsletters at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com Pet care article collection http://smalldogs2.com/ShihTzuCastle Visit Camelot Articles http://www.camelotarticles.comJulia Blog95887
Larissa Blog73885

Biz 101, How To Save Money

Ever feel like youre short on cash? How would you like to learn how to save what you earn? Todays average consumer is way too focused on spending, and not focused enough on saving. In Money to Be Made Online, youll learn some of the ways you can save money while doing business. If you fit into the category of not rich, before you can go on that wonderful vacation, or buy a new house, you need to save up some cold hard cash. Nothing is better than money well spent some say. Well I think nothing is better than money well saved. Before you can spend wisely, you have to have some good savings.

So whats the secret to saving money? Im going to outline a few simple tricks that if followed, will leave some extra cash each and every month. Why is it that people are always spending more than they earn? Because theyre in the business of helping other people save money. Thats right, theyre providing the retirement funds for the debt collecter, or credit card executive. First, I want to let you know where some of your money goes, besides when it goes down the drain.

Most people forget completely about their money after it leaves their pocket. Money isnt just a piece of paper or numbers on a screen. For the purpose of this article imagine that money is a type of energy, like electricity. Like electricity, most people dont think or care where it comes from, or where it goes, and how its transferred from place to place. Each time you use electricity, or transfer it to another place, you lose some of its potential. Most appliances dont use 100% of the potential energy available, maybe in the future but not currently. When you buy something, taxes are taken out, plus the middle mens fees, and then profit for the top of the pyramid.

The first thing you should do is become aware of WHERE your money goes. By thinking of where money comes from, and ends up will open your mind into new avenues of perception. You have to fight your way out of the consumer box and create a new box, with a new label, that youre comfortable. Its good to think outside the box, for people who live in boxes they didnt create themselves. But when you create your own box, when you design your own life and are finally free from all debt, worry, and create your own experiences, then I suggest you think inside that box instead!

So now practice thinking this in everyday life. Where is my money going? Imagine all the little middle men in between, and then maybe youll respect money a little more. Youll realize how big and industrious the world actually is. After youve reached this stage of awareness you should be more motivated, and ready to seriously save some money. By saving money in this state, you might realize how important that one little dollar of profit is. When multiplied by a good product and millions of consumers, youve just made a million dollars.

If youre ready to start saving some money, be ready to follow these simple tasks, and expect some extra cash! First, you need to be organized. Saving money is not just about being cheap, but its also about management. You must organize well! Most successful people are great at saving because theyre natural organizers, and when they make it big they get a secretary. After a while these tasks become natural, and dont feel like a bother at all, so keep it up and after a while youll get a hang of it.

Organizing your cash flow is essential. Everywhere you go, carry a note book, small note pad, or a PDA if you have one. Most PDAs are compatible with finance software, so buy some or find a free version. DO IT NOW! This is the most important aspect of saving money, you first need to know where its going! So for the first week, I want you to do two simple things. Every single thing you spend money on, write down the date, the cost, where, and how you felt. At the end of the day create another separate sheet with a total of amount spent, and list all the things you can do without. Now try to think of where your money went, and imagine the process it took to make the products you bough. Did you purchase gas? There are lots of things needed to get gas into the country, so imagine the process and your mind will open!

After one week, take a look at all the data youve collected. Dont do this review until a full weeks data has been collected! Determine what was essential and what you can do without. Take your daily essential and total them up. Look where you can eliminate needless expenses! One of the things you can do, are follow the guidelines in Money to Be Made Online. Follow the experience of seasoned veterans, and save money for your business today!

Keith Londrie II is a successful Webmaster and the owner and publisher of moneytobemadeonline.com A website that specializes in providing tips on how to REALLY make money online that you can research on the internet in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home. Visit http://moneytobemadeonline.com/ today!Luc Blog90357
Jean Francois Blog20774

Askedweb.com. About The Dog Training

Dogs are an integral part of our lives. They have the capacity to provide us with companionship and a devotion that is difficult to match in any other animal. And in return they ask for little: a good meal, exercise, a warm place to sleep and above all attention from its owner.

Today I've been trying to say out more about the dog training. Many dog owners, knowingly or unknowingly, use the psychological principles of operant conditioning to train their dogs. Operant conditioning is an analytical response to a given situation. If a dog owner reinforces behavior, it will persist.

Giving a dog a treat for sitting, lying down or staying is reinforcing positive behavior. The dog knows that if he obeys his owner's command, he'll receive a treat. His behavior is analytical: predictable, planned and deliberate. "If I sit, I'll get a treat." Any behavior, reinforced in any way, is bound to continue. The key is to be aware: reinforce positive behaviors and eliminate the negative ones.

Dog basic training experts agree that several basic points should be kept in mind when introducing Rover to the ways of your household. These tips will help both you and your new dog avoid misunderstandings:

1. Keep training sessions short (no more than 15 minutes). As soon as the dog appears to lose interest, stop.

2. Start training as soon as your new dog arrives home. Don't let him get settled into bad habits.

3. Invest in a decent training book. You'll refer to it often.

4. Correct poor behavior and praise good behavior immediately. Small treats are effective in reinforcing your training message. 5. Be prepared with the proper equipment and treats.

If you wish to involve your children in the training of a new pet, be sure to supervise carefully. Watch for consistency and for mixed messages.

A dog may feel confused if too many people participate in his training. One adult should be in charge of initial training, while other family members enforce the rules you've established for your dog. If children are unable to follow the rules you set down, you should put off letting them walk the dog on their own until your dog is fully trained and obedient.

Teaching your dog to obey you isn't as difficult as many people think. A combination of verbal commands, hand signals, and rewards is usually the most effective way to communicate with your dog. Once you've opened the doors to communication, you'll find that training Rex or Lady is much easier.

Before you try teaching your dog a command, look over the following guidelines for your own behavior:

1. Be consistent. Don't tell your dog to "sit" and follow through only occasionally. It's not okay for your dog to listen to you only some of the time. A well-behaved dog obeys commands consistently. 2. Speak in a confident tone. Don't ask, "Heel?" You're in charge. Tell him what to do. 3. Initially, feel free to reward with food and praise. Dole out treats less frequently after your dog knows the command. 4. Use the leash as an aid to help you maintain your position as leader.

5. Avoid confusion by saying one thing ("No!"), but communicating the opposite meaning (patting your dog's head).

6. End all training sessions on a good note. Finish with a command your dog knows, and praise him liberally when he obeys.

Dog training may require some effort on your part but in the end it will definitely be worth it. You will have a pet that you will be proud to own.

My name is Jason Homan. I was born in Detroit Michigan and moved to Denver at an early age. I have always been an avid animal lover for as long as I can remember. My webpage can be visited at http://www.askedweb.com/. Choosing a dog breed, finding dog breeders, shelters or rescues with puppies for sale or dogs for adoption is made easier with http://Askedweb.com.Kirby Blog88844
Horus Blog22463

The 15 Questions You Should Ask About a Colleges Financial Aid Program

By either reading the colleges written materials on financial aid or speaking with one of the colleges aid counselors, you should get clear and decisive answers to the following fifteen questions:

1. Can I get an early estimate of the type and amount of aid I might receive?

2. Do I have to fill out a school-specific aid application in addition to the FAFSA?

3. Do you give both need and merit aid or are you a need-only school?

4. If you give merit aid, what are the eligibility standards for your scholarships?

5. Will applying for aid affect my chances of being admitted?

6. Once you calculate my need, typically what percent do you meet?

7. For your average award, what percent of the total package is scholarship or grant?

8. If I am assigned a work-study or other campus job, how may hours per week do you expect me to work?

9. Will you expect me to work in the summer? If so, how much will I have to earn?

10. When evaluating my parents ability to pay, do you include the value of the family home?

11. If my family has a special circumstance, like providing support to a sick or elderly family member, will you take that into consideration?

12. When looking at student savings, what percent do you expect to go towards my education?

13. If my family encounters a financial hardship after I enroll, can you help me? With what type of aid?

14. How much do you include in the student budget for books and personal expense? Do you include an allowance for travel?

15. How will you adjust my aid award if I win a scholarship from an external source?

Karl SchellscheidtJustine Blog84208
Gauss Blog87916

Public Speaking Won't Kill You Planning Is Better Than Being Afraid

The process of making outstanding public speeches to a crowd in a structured and deliberate manner is called public speaking. The goal as a public speaker is usually to entertain, influence or inform the people. The foundation of your success is dependent upon how well you have analyzed who is saying whom about what via what medium and coupled with what effects. Among all the known fears, the fear of public speaking, known as glossophobia ranks at the top. Therefore, consider well to prepare your speech.

Public speaking: connecting with people

Did you ever notice how the audience love public speakers that seem to be born with the public speaking ability. We come across politicians and recall our old college professors who knew how to keep us stupefied with their words. Nonetheless, most people are terrified when they are asked to address a group even if their good at making speeches.

Beleive me, anyone can be a excellent public speaker with proper rehearsal. In this day of technology and information, even the burden of composing the speech can be relieved since a variety of experts provide free online content.

Public speaking: things to consider

When preparing to speak publicly, you must concentrate on the people and consider ways to hold their interest in listening to you to the end. Listen to yourself during rehearsal. To improve your ability, record the length of your speech, set spots in advance, where you can change your tone, your speed and rhythm and plan your speech.

How you walk in and the first three minutes of your public speech can make a lasting impression on your crowd. The degree of confidence and calmness you portray will directly affect the impact you create. Begin on a strong note and hold the peoples attention. Have an opening statement to grip your crowd. Don't look tense, even if you are late, but portray a calm posture and attitude.

A broad range of situations occur where folks on the move, like travelogue documenters or photographers have to speak to a group and tell about their trip. For these, portable lecterns can be quite useful. Portable lecterns are also available to hold laptops.

Many folks join groups like Toastmasters etc, to help them to learn by speaking to groups regularily. A well known public speaking situation that arises are graduation announcements. You are generally asked to give a public speech where you thank everybody for being there, many make it more attractive by recalling an important occurance that occurred during your school days.

Graduation announcements

Nearly all people prepare a grad speech around a theme like an art-related theme for people in literature or art, a scientific theme for a science major and a business theme for a business graduate and so on.

To wrap up this short article on speaking in public I'd like to make 2 more quick points.

1. Prepare well in advance. Make sure you have all the information you'll need and practice your public speech ahead of time. Try speaking into a full length mirror; you'll begin to notice things about posture and hand movements you may not have picked up on previously.

2. Here's something else that has helped me also; tape or video record your speech. Once done watch or listen to yourself and take notes. If you try this once per day leading up to the big day you'll appear as a polished speaker, even though you might be shaking in your boots.

The above article with information relating too best man wedding speech and father groom speech wedding has been submitted by Chad McDonald from: http://www.bestmanweddingspeech.info.Leilah Blog26651
Constant Blog35394

That Bedroom Set Is Cool Mom!

What is one of the toughest things for parents? Choosing bedroom sets that will make their kids happy. And if its for the teenagers, dont ask! Well, with several large furniture players coming up with their unique kids special furniture collection, things have got a bit easier for parents.

Before you begin shopping for bedroom sets, keep in mind that your kids do not want the furniture just for sleeping. They want to make a style statement in front of their friends. Nothing makes a teenager happier than a compliment from his or her friend that says, Your bedroom looks cool! You got it, guys; put yourself in your kids shoes and you will find the perfect modern bedroom sets for them!

Bedroom Sets That Complements Your Kids Lifestyle

If your kid has a lot of friends hanging around in his or her room, then kids bedroom sets consisting of bunk beds will be just great. If your child is a restless soul, he or she can very well climb up and down the bunk beds ladder and have fun being trained like in the army. If your kid has heaps of items, why not try the affordable bedroom sets that contain beds with trundles? He or she will get sufficient space in the room, as her items can be stuffed inside the drawers and shelves.

There are also queen bedroom sets available in a variety of intriguing designs to make your little princess feel on top of the world! Then there are bedroom sets made of different materials such as wood, iron, brass, and even metal bedroom sets. You will be amazed to see the colossal variety in each aspect of the furniture, be it the color coordination, finishing touch, the design, curves, styles, and so on. Even the most hard-to-please teenager will be delighted!

Economical Investment

It is wise not to indulge in extravagant furniture shopping for kids bedroom sets, when you can get such a huge range of beds at affordable rates. Discount bedroom sets are topping the charts when it comes to kids furniture. This is because your kid may outgrow the piece of furniture and would want to have something different as she grows up. This holds particularly true for teenagers who are more influenced by the changing trends. Delicate designs are also a bad choice for kids bedroom sets. Children are not very particular in handling delicate furniture. The least you want is to have a broken swirl or whorl in the design or a scratched surface in the expensive furniture set.

The hip-hop young generation wants everything stylish, so, you cant think of putting some boring plain-looking furniture to suffice the needs of your child. Because it is not just the needs, but also the style that matters. And youth bedroom sets are tailor-made to convert your kids room into his or her favorite hangout place.

Surprise your kids with some chic bedroom sets. They are going to admire you first!

Ben Weissman writes articles on Modern Beds, Affordable Bedroom Furniture and Interior Design. You'll find more Decorating Ideas at http://Home-and-Bedroom.com. Make your bedroom into a personal retreat!Fini Blog83665
Lucilia Blog21896

Active Men's Footwear

The hottest looks in active men's foot wear right now are the old school and racing inspired shoes - and the most famous of all the - Adidas tops the charts for both these styles. Merging fashion, comfort, presentation and price; Adidas shoes always look great in men's casual and active foot wear, and the choices on this list are some of the best.

The first in the category is the Classic Addidas, with stylish and thick rubber out soles, these classic Adidas shoes are built for comfort and robustness - and they're so simple and cool that any one will like them. Offered in many colors like red, blue, navy or black (but they all come with white stripes), these shoes are definite classics in their own. The next in line is the cool model of Fente, who in spite of not having a cool typical Adidas look in one sense (no stripes), but still it has all the comforts of the brand in every other way. It's totally cool, and has the similar characteristics of an Adidas shoe. These soft active sneakers are inspired by fencing footwear, come in great colors like navy and olive. Great with casual and active wear, these sneakers offer a nice change from the regular trainers.

One more in the shelf is the Adi Speed active shoe. These are extremely hip shoes with plenty of personality engrossed in them resembling the matching stripes and details, so peculiar of the Addidas brand. It is great for runners and joggers, these shoes are so good looking, even those who have no intention of jogging should check them out.

Take it for sure that you will certainly get the best if there are such brands here in the shelves; in fact they are just waiting to be picked up. Get a wide range of international brands and some seriously great loafers. The rugged shoes have an extra-masculine and strong look to them, making them perfect when with jeans, and have all the coziness features you've come to expect from them.

Another option for active mens footwear is the ankle boots giving a great variation on the standard dress shoes you're probably used to wearing. The laces keep them professional and dressy, while the unique box style toe makes them the height of fashion.

The top choices in active men's shoes feature footwear from the top designers and brands; the latest trends and styles; and shoes for all occasions. From loafers and shoes, to sneakers and athletic shoes or active shoes just compare the prices and shop for men's shoes with help from this shoe website.

Dana Bradley writes about http://www.onlineshoesdepot.com/Coupons/6pm.com.html, http://www.onlineshoesdepot.com/Coupons/Shoebuy.com.html and http://www.onlineshoesdepot.comGlacier Blog27831
Anthelme Blog82880

Christian Dating: Useful Tips

Christian dating does not consist of any fixed set of rules or regulations for the person who is going for dating. Instead, it is the combination of needs of modern times, combined with the foundation of our religious culture. A true Christian, who has even the least knowledge of his religion, will not have to make any special effort to date within the realms of Christianity. This is because your values always stay with you in whatever you do in life.

Be Approachable

The first step in finding a date is to let people around you know that you are looking for someone special. This helps a great deal in interested people approaching you, as the word gets around.

Having Common Beliefs

Dating someone, who does not share same beliefs as you and then trying to change his or her thinking, can be very tiring for any relationship. Moreover, it does not workout most of the time. Therefore, it is advisable to date someone from your own faith and try to work on making the relationship better. It is always better, to let the other person know exactly, what your preferences are and what you value more in a relationship. It always pays, to have a clear understanding, as it leaves no room for undue expectations.

Finding Your Mate At Christian Dating Sites

So, to find someone, with same beliefs, you can visit Christian dating sites. These are especially helpful, as you precisely reach a common area, where people think, like you and want the relationship to grow, within the bounds of religion. Therefore, you enter a relation, where both the partners have common preset notions.

Also, be true to yourself when you finally set your eyes on someone. Do not let your infatuation shroud your wisdom. Make certain that the person is worthy of you and your family will approve of him.

Self Control Is The Key

A Christian does not give in to physical attraction. Healthy dating, where you meet and spend quality time together is permissible, physical intimacy is not. So, while it is easy to fall prey to temptation, a true Christian will always avoid any such thing from happening. Moving together in groups and meeting in public places is the best way to keep temptation at bay.

Taking Your Time

It is important to take enough time to know the other person before entrusting yourself to him. A decision, which is not thought over well may not be the best decision and may have its repercussions. A true Christian believes in prayer and prayer has the power to guide you in the right direction. God gives vision to true believers and gives them the power to make right decisions. After a few meetings, you should be able to decide, that the person you are dating deserves you or not.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Online Dating and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Christian Dating web site. For more articles and resources on Christian Dating related topics, online Christian dating services and much more visit his site at:Cascades Blog90573
Alice Blog37717

Getting A Credit Card In An Instant

Getting a credit card used to be a time-consuming business. You'd have to ring or go into your bank, fill out a lengthy form and wait for quite a while before you got a reply. Although many people are still using that method, there's now a quicker way, thanks to the Internet.

How Do I Find An Online Credit Card Application?

Most card issuers now offer online application for their credit cards. Finding one is as simple as doing an Internet search or visiting that company's website. In addition, there are several credit card comparison sites that allow users to select cards that match a range of features and then apply. Credit card applicants are required to be UK residents and over 18.

Most online credit card applications now have a summary box which gives details of the rates that apply to purchases, balance transfers and cash advances, the interest free period, fees and charges, how interest is charged and how payments are allocated. There is also a link to the detailed terms and conditions. Once you've read these, it's time to fill in the application form. Here is the information that most credit card applications ask for.

Cardholder's Name And Address

To start with, you will need to give your name. This is usually your full name no hiding that unwanted moniker from the credit card companies. They will also ask about marital status and your date of birth. Credit card companies also ask for your mother's maiden name for security purposes. Applications are only taken from the principal cardholder. This means you can't apply for a credit card on someone else's behalf. However, you can add an additional cardholder at the time of application or later.

You will also need details of your address and postcode. If you have lived at this address less than three years, you will also need to give your previous address and postcode. In essence, you need to show a three year history of where you have lived. Other contact details required include a phone number and an email address.

Home Ownership And Employment

Most companies want to know whether you own or rent your home and some may ask about the size of your mortgage payment. They will also want to know your occupation and employment status. Ideally credit card applicants should be working more than 16 hours a week.

They will also require annual income and bank details, including how long you've been with the bank. Finally, you'll have to list the types of credit cards you already have (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, store cards and so on).

All of these help credit card companies establish what level of credit risk you are and what credit rating you have.

Other Credit Card Services

Many online applications forms offer you the chance to take up additional services such as payment protection insurance, travel insurance, household insurance and much more.

You will also need to have details of any cards that need to be transferred to your new credit card.

Once you've completed all these details, you simply need to wait a short while for a response. Some card issuers respond within a minute. It's worth knowing that there will be some cases where they will ask for additional information before issuing a credit card.

Joe Kenny writes for the Card Guide, offering advice and links to UK credit cards, visit CardGuide.co.uk for more top credit cards. Gildas Blog40015
Athenes Blog49697

Be Big, Do Big, Have Big

A number of my coaching clients are small business owners. They are like the majority of small business owners in the world They have a small business which they dream of turning into a large businesssomeday.

During one of my recent sessions, a client pointed to several companies that had blossomed overnight (really within one to two years) and were doing hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in business in a very short time.

He then asked me what I thought was the secret to their rapid success.

I think first and foremost many of these companies subscribe to the concept of what is currently called Blue Ocean Strategy, which is the name of a recent book on marketing strategies.

However, the world is filled with great ideas, and good plans and strategies to make the ideas come to life. It is actually executing those plans and strategies that separates an eBay from a what was your name again?

So, if the world is filled with good ideas, and it is also filled with plans and strategies to bring those ideas to life, why arent more people executing those plans and strategies and creating billion dollar businesses?

The answer is one word: Conditioning.

Most of us have been conditioned since birth to get real, get serious, stop dreaming, get a job and basically live out the so-called American Dream.

Our parents, siblings, friends, teachers, politicians, religious leaders and even media figures have unwittingly created generations of people who are conditioned to accept what is given to them rather than to go for what they really desire.

Every great company started with a great dream, but most people have been conditioned to let go of their dreams, take the easy path, get a 9 to 5 job, put money into the 401K, vacation 2 weeks a year, struggle to pay the kids college tuition, work their way up the corporate ladder, and hope that when they retire theyll be able to survive between the 401K, Social Security and downsizing to a small condo.

Simply, we have been made to FEAR our dreams. We have been taught that thinking big and trying to achieve big things is for other people; as if those other people are endowed with some secret power that we mortals can only dream of having.

Sounds ridiculous, right? And it is.

Whats worse is that when we do start to dream a little, we make a huge mistake. We go and talk to our family, friends, coworkers, etc. about our dream, because we are hoping for encouragement.

Trying to save us from the pain of certain failure our family, friends, etc. kindly point every single reason why the idea wont work, why we are uniquely UNQUALIFIED to attempt such an idea and why we should just give up now and go back to the way things have been.

Well, Im here to tell you to forget that nonsense!

Despite what everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has told you, you can have the business youve always wanted, the home youve always wanted and the lifestyle youve always wanted. But to get all this, you must first get past the fear that has been conditioned into you.

So, you are probably thinking, Sounds great, Erik, but how do I get past the fear? Simple: Be, Do, Have.

If your conditioning is like most people, then you have been conditioned to DO first. This means that you have been conditioned to work hard in the hopes that you can someday HAVE some of the items you want. Then, at this point, you can BE the person you wanted to be (a millionaire, a business owner, etc.).

This process is back-ass-wards.

Think about this, who takes millionaire actions - Millionaires or poor people? Why the answer is simple: Millionaires of course. Yet, if you believed the DO HAVE BE method, only millionaires could be millionaires and NO ONE else ever could be.

Seriously consider that concept. If you have to get a million dollars before you can get the mindset necessary to get a million dollars, youll never get a million dollars. It is the ultimate catch-22. And you lose either way.

But if you BE a millionaire first in your mind and in your beliefs then you will be able to DO the actions necessary to HAVE a million dollars.

This process does not require years of hard labor, paying your dues or earning the right. It simply requires a shift in your mindset.

One easy exercise to help you start changing your mindset is to look at how much you are earning per year right now. Then add a ZERO to the end of that number.

Who would you have to BE in order to earn that much money in one year? You obviously could not be who you are now, because that person can only earn one/tenth of the amount you are now considering.

What would a person who earns ten-times what youre earning right now DO in order to make that much money? Obviously, they have a completely different set of priorities and activities than you do.

What would a person who earns ten-times your current salary HAVE? Well, they could certainly buy a lot more stuff then you can right now.

I personally feel that this shift in mindset is VITALLY IMPORTANT if you truly want to see a change in your business and your life.

Be Big. Do Big. Have Big. And always Dream Big!

Erik Luhrs is the President of Make Your Business BOOM! Inc. He provides Consulting, Coaching and Seminars on Business & Performance Optimization to Executives and Business Owners all over the world. Visit http://www.MakeYourBusinessBOOM.com to request a complimentary Big-Time Be, Do, Have Coaching Session today.Firmin Blog30612
Dimitri Blog92559